November 19 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Breaking Bread at Home
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City cordially invites you to join us at our first-ever virtual fundraising event, Breaking Bread at Home.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we invite you to our first-ever virtual fundraising event. Start your evening out by picking up a meal from our Spice Kitchen Incubator then join us virtually from your family table for a program focused on all that we’ve accomplished as a welcoming community during the pandemic and celebrating the contributions of refugees and New Americans in Utah.
Funds raised from Breaking Bread will support the work of the International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City.

August 21 - Kafé Mamai Fundraiser for Yemen Children
Fundraiser for Yemen Children
When: August 21st from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Where: Sugarmont Plaza, 2234 South Highland Drive, Salt Lake City
Chef Abudu of Kafé Mamai is working with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) here in Salt Lake City to raise funds to support the International Rescue Committee’s effort to feed the children of Yemen who face food shortages during the on-going war in Yemen.
Participating trucks so far include: Kafé Mamai Pinyoncafe (coffee and drinks), Hayat’s Grill (Afghan Cuisine), and Halab’s Jasmine Kitchen (Syrian Cuisine) with more to be announced.

November 21 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Breaking Bread
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City cordially invites you to join us at our 4th annual Breaking Bread, a fundraising dinner welcoming refugees and New Americans to the Beehive State. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, enjoy an evening focused on the family table, where new beginnings are celebrated, where friendships arise from shared experiences, and where food bridges all barriers. Break bread as a community and welcome our new American friends to this place we all call home.
Funds raised from Breaking Bread will support the work of the International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City.

June 7 - Discover Food Festival
Come join us for the Discover Food Festival, on Friday June 7th from 5-8pm! This special event is a fundraiser for our friends at the International Rescue Committee’s Spice Kitchen Incubator and Hosted by Creminelli + Traeger Grills + Harmons Grocery.
The Spice Kitchen Incubator is on a mission to help refugees and new Americans start food businesses here in Salt Lake City. Join us in supporting them as they build a new communal kitchen. 100% of donations and ticket sales will help fund their new facility.

April 16 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Journey to the Wasatch 2019
Join us at Journey to the Wasatch, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City's annual fundraising party celebrating refugees in our community who survive conflict and disaster to call Utah their home.
This year, the IRC in Salt Lake City looks back at 25 years of serving refugees in our community since opening our doors in 1994. Alongside fellow humanitarians, enjoy a spirited symbolic live auction, activities to #StandWithRefugees, and a variety of small bites catered by entrepreneurs from Spice Kitchen Incubator.
All proceeds raised stay local to help the IRC continue to serve refugees and their families in our community.

November 14 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Breaking Bread
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City cordially invites you to join us at our 3rd annual Breaking Bread, an evening focused on the family table—where food bridges all barriers, friendships arise from shared experiences, and where refugee families join us at the table. In the tradition of Thanksgiving, guests will share a meal with an international flair provided by Spice Kitchen Incubator entrepreneur chefs, take family portraits, and enjoy interactive activities focused on the family table. Break bread as a community and welcome our new American friends to this place we all call home.
Funds raised from Breaking Bread will support the work of the International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City.
(Thanks to wonderful community support this event is sold-out.)

October 11 - Film Screening of "Soufra"
Join Spice Kitchen Incubator in partnership with the Salt Lake Film Society for a free screening of Soufra. Post-film panel discussion with Spice Kitchen Incubator organized by the International Rescue Committee - SLC.
Soufra follows the unlikely and wildly inspirational story of intrepid social entrepreneur, Mariam Shaar – a generational refugee who has spent her entire life in the Burj El Barajneh refugee camp just south of Beirut, Lebanon. The film follows Mariam as she sets out against all odds to change her fate by launching a successful catering company, “Soufra,” and then expand it into a food truck business with a diverse team of fellow refugee woman who now share this camp as their home.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
7:00 PM
The City Library
210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City

September 24 - Refugee Voices Gathering
Calling all former refugees and New Americans: raise your voice to #StandWithRefugees and the refugee resettlement community!
Join us as a Refugee, Immigrant, or New American Voice—an initiative of the International Rescue Committee to create a platform for former refugees, immigrants and New Americans to mobilize in order to support refugee resettlement and refugee programming in the U.S.

IRC Open House
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City is excited to invite our supporters to our Open House on Wednesday, June 13th, from 5pm to 7pm. Tour our updated spaces with an IRC volunteer and meet IRC staff who serve refugees and new Americans on a daily basis in Salt Lake City!
Additional details are available by clicking through.

April 27 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Journey to the Wasatch 2018
Join us at Journey to the Wasatch, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City's annual fundraising party celebrating the journey hundreds of brave refugees undergo every year to make their home in Utah. Alongside fellow humanitarians, enjoy a spirited symbolic live auction, activities to #StandWithRefugees, and a variety of small bites catered by entrepreneurs from Spice Kitchen Incubator.
All proceeds raised stay local to help the IRC continue to serve refugees and their families in our community.

November 15 - IRC & Spice Kitchen - Breaking Bread
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) cordially invites you to join us at Breaking Bread, an evening focused on the family table—where food bridges all barriers, friendships arise from shared experiences, and where refugee families join us at the table. In the tradition of Thanksgiving, guests will share a meal provided by Spice Kitchen Incubator featuring cuisine from around the world, record video welcome messages, and express messages of solidarity on a chalk wall installed in the venue. Break bread as a community and welcome our new American friends to Salt Lake City.
Funds raised from Breaking Bread will support the work of the International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City.