Food Entrepreneur Round Table 2019
(Dec. 2018) - On February 23rd, 2019, Spice Kitchen Incubator and our partners will be hosting the third annual Food Entrepreneur Round Table at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center in West Valley City.
The 2019 Food Entrepreneur Round Table Conference is an opportunity to meet with and learn from food industry experts on topics relating to food business start-up and scale-up. It will be a day of workshops and panel discussions.
Lunch and workshop materials will be provided and all paying attendees are allowed to bring one business associate.
Third Annual Food Entrepreneur Round Table!
Saturday, February 23, 2019
9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Utah Cultural Celebration Center
1355 West 3100 South
West Valley City, Utah 84119
$10 in Advance – $12 at the Door
(Reduced admission available to those who qualify.*)
Register through the Women's Business Center of Utah.
* Reduced admission is available to those who qualify. If you would like to request reduced admission to this event please email and a member of the Spice Kitchen team will be in touch to help you finish your registration.
This event is open to the public and includes all necessary materials as well as a catered lunch.
For more information please contact Spice Kitchen at
يتم تقديم وجبة الغذاء ومواد ورشات العمل، يسمح للحاضرين الذين دفعوا ثمن تذكرة
الاشتراك باحضار احد رجال الأعمال المنتسبين.
هذه فرصة للقاء والتعلم من خبراء صناعة الأغذية في مواضيع تتعلق ببدايه انشاء الاعمال والارتقاء بالعمل.
١٠ دولارات مقدما
١٢ دولار للتسجيل عند الباب.
(اذا لزم الأمر وللحصول على سعر مخفض ،ابعثوا برساله على البريد الالكتروني
Esta es una oportunidad para reunirse con los expertos para conocer acerca de la
industria alimentaria y temas relacionados con el inicio y crecimiento de negocios.
Se proporcionará almuerzo y materiales para el taller, además todos los asistentes
que paguen podrán asistir con un colega de negocios.
$10 si es por adelantado y $12 en la entrada.
(Si es necesario, puede mandar un correo electrónico a para una entrada a bajo costo)
The 2019 Food Entrepreneur Round Table is sponsored by: Salt Lake County, The Micorbusiness Connection Center, The Suazo Business Center, Utah State University Extension, The Women’s Business Center at The Salt Lake Chamber, International Rescue Committee and Spice Kitchen Incubator. Thank you to all sponsors for making this event possible!